Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Blog Post #5

Learning how to put together a podcast is easy if you follow your own creativity. The different sites that will explain the process are also very informative.
The podcast about The Practical Principals is super helpful and it explains how useful it can be for times students may be out sick and worried about the info they could possibly miss if the teacher were to post all information to where the student can access it is very useful and can reduce stress on the student and the teacher.
The blog post Langwitches is a truly delightful expression of a child's creativity level. The class saw a demonstration and then did their own in a different way with new ideas it helps students develop a higher level of learning when they are the one's deciding on the information they are using.
100 Ways to Use Your iPod to Learn and Study Better is really helpful blog for student of all ages to help keep organized as well as keep study guides in order instead of having paper notes laying around everywhere. The iphone is useful for a lot more than I realized it has so many different apps and useful learning tools we could introduce to the classroom as teachers.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Blog Post # 4

When I read Don't Teach Your Kids This Stuff. Please? by Scott McLeod I realized there are a lot of negative and positive ideas about the internet. Some of the negative involves people who use the internet for stalking children it is a heinous activity which I wish did not exist unfortunately it does.
Do you remember when your parents taught you not to take candy from or talk to strangers when you were young well the same principle applies in this case. We need to educate parents and children about some of the dangers of these types of scenarios. Unfortunately to live in the dark ages and completely ignore the use of all the great technology would be the equivalent of locking your child in the house and only letting them out to go to school it would be ridiculous wouldn't it? I think the positive outweighs the negative in this case and we should teach children to always be responsible when posting anything about themselves. Mr. McLeod it seems has worn many hats in his professional life and sees what is happening in today's society we are falling behind. As a parent he also realizes the negative aspects but he more than likely teaches responsible use of technology.

The iSchool Initiative is very impressive idea and it may eventually be how students learn but it will probably be a while before all schools are on board. First they need to test it at different schools and see if it will be as productive as it looks after that it would slowly be introduced to more and more school around the country.
I think it is a great idea to reduce the use of paper and it would definitely replace the cost of big expensive printers.
I would love to see this technology introduced into a school that I would be teaching it is very impressive. Although not everyone would be on board you would still have people who are scared of technology or learning to use the new information they would need to use the iTouch. I am a supporter of this new way of learning and hope it does become a reality in schools.

The Lost Generation video is awesome I was completely blown away by the use of the exact same words being reversed and stating the positive outlook instead of the negative.  The beginning of  video stirred sad emotions because in the future family is not important only money and the deterioration of earth is inevitable.When it played backwards I actually felt  it was a positive view on life in the future for everyone with a little work. This is a must to watch it will definitely make you think about your future as well.

Eric Whitacre’s Virtual Choir use of the internet is unbelievable I did not even know this was possible I mean I know you can video conference and things like that but WOW! I think the use of the internet is eclipsing itself everyday. I really enjoyed watching this presentation it is crazy how they were able to virtually sync them together. The future is looking very interesting.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Additional Assignment #1

     The educational implications will be amazing for a student doing a report. I remember my first report we did not have use of computers for learning because they were too expensive. When you use Google Squared you put in a basic topic and then you are given multiple options to use for instance I used surgery it listed different types of surgery, cost of a procedure, and links for more information on each one if desired.
     On the other hand WolframAlpha deals with statistics for example I used my name it let me know when it was most popular, the number of people who share the same name, and the average age of people with this name.
    I was totally in the dark about this option with Google Squared and WolframAlpha I think it will definitely be useful in the classroom. A teacher is able to show different examples on a broad topic. I think these are both great new tools I will enjoy using from now on.
   The comments on the statistics you mentioned after applying them with the use of Google Squared helped put the numbers into a different perspective. We really need to increase our technological knowledge that is a must for the future. The statistics also show that the population for the other countries is significantly higher so they will ultimately be ahead of us unless people start producing larger families. Opposite end of the spectrum the U.S. is larger in population than that of Pitcairn Islands therefore easier for us to show use of technology quicker.

C4T #1 Summarry

     I recently read a post by Kelly Hines explaining the use of technology with the analogy of locals and tourists. She uses these very well when comparing newcomers to technology like tourists visiting a beach or area unknown to them. They are in awe of its beauty and greatness and would like to be able to visit everyday if they could but some are still scared of the power the water holds so they never get in or try to understand its abilities. The locals or computer savvy people are very familiar with the area and take care of it well sometimes commenting on how the tourists don't really get it. This is how some people view technology some are totally afraid of even using any technology, some are intrigued with the technology and want to learn, and some are completely capable of using and learning new things about technology.
     I believe the ideas she described about how our ideas of the living in the age of the digital world compared to the newcomers are interesting.It is definitely true that technology has evolved and a new perspective on whether you are technologically advanced is important for today’s business entrepreneurs as well as children using computers in the classroom. It is hard to believe that some of the older generation are completely withdrawn and refuse to use the web for fear of not understanding how it works.

        The next post has to do with reflection on our thoughts and actions throughout our day or life for that matter. It is important to assess what is done and move forward with things. Learn from our mistakes and continue to progress in a positive way. When things do not go as planned gather more information and adjust. The lack of posts to her blog made her wonder "If a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it, does it really make a sound?"
I want to comment a about the tree falling in the forest. Even though we do not hear it happen it still leaves an impact on everything around it. Just like teachers, we leave a lasting impression on our students every day. The use of your blog helps you reflect because we go through our actions in our mind over and over again. We wonder if we could have done it better. Yes,I feel we do need reflection in our lives on a daily basis.
For more from Kelly Hines go to:

Blog Post #3

When I watched the video by Michael Wesch: A Vision of Students Today I definitely can understand the frustration and lack of interest in today's college classroom. My classes are not nearly this big but I can identify with the cost of books you never use it is 100%  waste of money and frustrating. The college classes I am currently enrolled in this semester encourage the use of computers and technology. Some are not so lucky they will sit and listen to lectures and need to retain that information later used for a test. This is no way to learn how to deal with real life situations it does not prepare us for our future. We are still very fortunate to have the advantage to attend school but that does not mean we are learning useful information we will later use.

"It's Not About the Technology" by Kelly Hines is very to the point and we are in need of teachers that spark a child's interest and are willing to learn new ways to introduce materials with or without a computer. If you are in the teaching field in "survival" mode and never have any intention of actually making a difference in your students life no learning of any degree will ever occur. The old saying goes something like this: "You can lead a horse to water but, you can't make it drink" definitely applies here. You can every new gadget in the world at available at your fingertips but if someone does not take the initiative to learn how to apply it, well it is all useless.
      Someone who goes into to teaching needs to be willing to constantly learn new things but also willing to pass the learning on. You can go over and over a subject with a student and they may not understand the material it is then up to you as a teacher to find a new way to present the information. That is what makes you a teacher your ability to learn and try new techniques to help someone else learn.
    Do you want to be just a teacher that goes over the info again and again but never achieving or reaching your students or will you be willing to take the extra step and learn form them on their level then teach them with something they understand.

Karl Fisch: Is It Okay to Be A Technologically Illiterate Teacher?
My comments on this are very supportive of Mr. Fisch. Would you really want your children taught in school by someone who could not read or write?
The comparison is very shocking but truthful. In today's world we are expected to know how to at least operate a cell phone or television why not a computer?
I would want to be taught by someone willing to learn the information they are trying to pass on to me, even if we have to learn together.
          If you are an educator and you are not willing to learn yourself what are you saying about yourself? The use of technology within the classroom is a great advantage because if you are not able to explain something clearly and lack the ability to get through to your students a computer may help. There is usually a YouTube video for just about anything these days.

Gary Hayes Social Media Count.
Take a peak at this but watch out it may overwhelm you.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

Blog Post #2

Did You Know? 3.0: I was completely blown away by this video it really addressed the lack of importance we place on education. Yes our society is technology advanced in some areas but not so much in learning how it works or designing it. Also the rate in which our society is progressing in births per years compared to other countries is mind blowing. I want to believe that we will progress with other countries but looking at the evidence put in front of my face it does not look so good for our technological future. We need to put more emphasis on learning different things and keep our eyes wide open to new technology uses.

Mr. Winkle Wakes by Matthew Needleman really emphasizes the lack of technology used in the classroom today. If you think about it in 1910 the world was so much different than today. The main focus on technology was the use of X-ray. Major inventions consisted of refrigerators and zippers. Today if you blink you may miss something new all the technological advances. Unfortunately as noted above they are not used to their potential in the classroom. I think more students would want to be involved in class curriculum if they had some type of technological motivation that intrigued them.

Sir Ken Robinson: The Importance of Creativity really addresses the lack of confidence we have in the way children learn. Some people expect each child to do things one way and if that does not work then oh well. Students have the desire to learn new things we just don't seem to have the desire to teach more than one way. If people would realize students are capable of learning a lot more than we give them credit for. So let's open our eyes and learn new ways to help our society progress.

Vicki Davis: Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts is very uplifting and inspiring. It shows that students are able to learn to do new things in the classroom. It is not all pencil and paper tactics and techniques which is the way of the past. It is somewhat like this class you are given all the tools you need the only way to succeed is to learn how to use them. If you give a child the ability to display their creativity it is amazing what they will produce. They will be learning and realize they are capable of doing numerous things previously unexplored to them.
I would love to have the freedom to help students learn on all levels sometimes we are so stuck on test scores and learning how to pass tests that none of the useful information is retained.